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Swiss Climate offers a wide range of information and training opportunities for companies, tailored to their needs.

These range from short lunch learning sessions and awareness-raising workshops to training courses lasting several days. Our offer combines the goal of raising awareness of climate change issues among company employees and empowering them in their implementation on the road to net zero.

Professional CO2-Manager

The Swiss Climate Offer

We have been running the two-day Professional Carbon Manager Course every year for over 8 years. We provide interested individuals with the tools they need to manage climate issues in their companies. Our proven format includes theoretical input, practical examples and the opportunity for active exchange between participants. à More information can be found here

Your Benefit

The participants will …

  • learn about comprehensive carbon management (system boundaries, data collection, calculation, analysis and monitoring).
  • earn about strategic issues in the climate sector.

  • gain insight into the hotspots of different industries through practical examples.

  • be able to calculate/define the carbon balance and carbon reduction targets.
  • learn how to conduct emission factor research.
«The Professional CO2 Manager course imparts a lot of knowledge in a short time and is very practical. I can recommend it to anyone who is interested in this topic. Individual questions were answered at any time. Attending the course was definitely a benefit for me.» Monica Lehmann, National Environmental Manager, Coca-Cola HBC Schweiz AG 

Awareness-Raising Workshop

The Swiss Climate Offer

Participation increases the chances of success of change projects. The integration of employees in the company's climate protection commitment improves the effectiveness of the climate protection strategy. Swiss Climate offers customized awareness-raising workshops to inform employees about their employer's climate protection activities and to actively involve them in the processes. The workshops motivate employees to continuously introduce and implement new measures in their daily work.

Your Benefit

Employees …

  • gain a basic understanding and awareness of the climate crisis.
  • learn about the company's climate strategy. They know what actions are being taken and how they can get involved.
  • learn about their company's carbon footprint and the areas where their employer causes the most carbon emissions.
  • develop actions for the company in an interactive workshop.
  • know how to be environmentally friendly at work and at home to reduce their emissions.
  • know solutions for climate-friendly actions in the private sphere.

Your contact partner

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Lorena Rechsteiner Senior Consultant +41 31 343 03 55 E-Mail LinkedIn