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Science Based Target (SBT)

Swiss Climate recommends that you set an ambitious climate target for controlling your CO2 emissions. This will give you a clear plan of where you want to go. Swiss Climate ensures that your targets are climate-friendly by applying the Science Based Targets (SBT) principles. The SBT is a global standard that is designed to reduce global warming to a minimum and hundreds of companies have already set themselves a science-based climate target to limit global warming to well below 2°C.

Our Services

  • With a carbon footprint we cover all hotspots of your company and your supply chain.
  • We calculate your climate target (e.g. -30% CO2 emissions by 2030) and ensure that it is climate-friendly in accordance with SBT principles.
  • Together we develop your reduction path based on potential analyses for hotspot topics such as business travel, products or logistics.
  • We develop an action plan and support you in achieving your goals by implementing suitable measures.

Your Benefits

  • A climate target gives you the direction of your march.
  • With a climate target, you credibly assume responsibility.
  • By participating in the Science Based Targets Initiative, you are playing a pioneering role in Switzerland.

"The Schindler Group is one of only 18 companies worldwide with science-based net zero targets validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative. We congratulate the Schindler Group on its climate goal to achieve net zero emissions globally by 2040, and look forward to our continued collaboration."

Sacha Rueff, Senior Consultant Swiss Climate, June 2022

Your contact partner

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Sacha Rueff Senior Conultant +41 313 43 03 49 E-Mail LinkedIn