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Climate Protection in the Value Chain and Insetting

The carbon footprint of many companies is significantly influenced by emissions in their own value chain. Organising supply chains in a climate-friendly way is a major challenge for companies. This is where insetting comes in. Insetting involves the implementation of climate protection projects in a company's own value chain. In contrast to conventional support for climate protection projects, climate protection investments remain directly in the company's own value chain.

Our Offer

  • Insetting strategy: We analyse the emissions in your value chain (current status), identify the potential for meaningful savings projects and define meaningful targets, taking into account your business strategy, your market segment, your customers and your investors.
  • We help you develop and implement tailored climate protection projects directly in your supply chain.
  • Advice on financing solutions for insetting programmes (e.g. internal CO2 price).
  • Support, mediation and moderation of the multi-stakeholder process.
  • Helping to communicate the commitment both internally and externally.

Your Benefits

  • Increase sustainability in your value chain and improve living and environmental conditions in producing countries
  • Minimise climate risks in your value chain
  • Improve supplier relationships
  • Money for climate protection goes directly into your value chain, not into independent, arbitrary projects.
  • Your commitment to climate protection becomes more closely associated with your brand and your business. Customers, suppliers and employees identify more with their 'own' projects (marketing benefits).
  • Under certain conditions, setting up projects can also contribute to achieving a company's science-based targets (SBTs).

Your contact partner

SC2021 059 sacha rueff ret
Sacha Rueff Senior Conultant +41 313 43 03 49 E-Mail LinkedIn