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Professional CO₂-Manager

When November 12 and 13
Where Welle 7 Bern, Schanzenstrasse 5, 3008 Bern
Lecturers Swiss Climate Consultants
Language German
Goals Gain in-depth knowledge of climate and the development of comprehensive CO₂ management. Participants receive a certificate upon completion.
Costs 1750.- CHF (includes lunch on both days)

Swiss Climate offers two-day courses on a regular basis (or on request) and trains you in the field of climate and in the development of comprehensive CO2 management. Based on theoretical input, practical examples and an active exchange of ideas, the two-day courses provide participants with the tools they need to deal with climate issues.


  • In-depth knowledge of carbon accounting standards
  • Ability to understand the structure and calculations of corporate carbon footprints
  • Understanding of the structure and application of emission factors
  • In-depth knowledge of strategic topics (SBTi, climate protection projects, TCFD etc.) in the climate sector
  • Insight into various industry examples
  • Personal contacts and networking thanks to intensive exchange, joint breaks and lunch


Program (in German)


Registration link

(A minimum number of participants is required for the course. If the course does not take place, we will inform you 2 weeks before the course).

Are you unable to attend on the posted date? Contact us at and we will put you on the list of interested parties so that you will be the first to be informed of a new course date.

Terms and Conditions

If you cancel up to one month before the course, we will charge 50% of the course fee. Cancellations within 10 working days will not be refunded. Rebooking to another date will incur a CHF 350.- rebooking fee.

"A lot of good background information, examples from different industries, practical exercises and interesting discussions with the other participants - I found the course 'Professional CO₂ Manager' very inspiring."

Andrea Foetzki, Environmental Management and Infrastructure East, Agroscope, EAER

"The Professional CO₂ Manager course imparts a lot of knowledge in a short time and is very practical. I can recommend it to anyone who is interested in this topic. Individual questions were always answered. Participating in the course was definitely beneficial for me."

Monica Lehmann, National Environmental Manager, Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland AG

Your contact partner

SC2022 1351 lorena rechsteiner favorit3 ret
Lorena Rechsteiner Senior Consultant +41 31 343 03 55 E-Mail LinkedIn