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Climate strategies and net zero for municipalities and cantons

At the national level, Switzerland has committed to a net-zero target by 2050 and has enshrined this goal in law. This means that by 2050, only as many greenhouse gases may be emitted as can be removed from the atmosphere. Municipalities and cantons have a key role to play in achieving this goal and should therefore set an example on the path to net zero.

The key question is: How do we get to net zero? Small and medium-sized municipalities in particular often find it difficult to keep track of what is possible, reasonable and feasible for them. However, larger cities and municipalities also face major challenges, for example due to the high density of land use and the large number of stakeholders involved.

Swiss Climate supports you as a municipality or canton on your way to the net-zero target and helps you to make your contribution to fulfilling the Paris Climate Agreement and the Swiss climate target.

Our services

Each municipality and canton has a different starting point. Our energy and climate management experts will work with you to develop solutions tailored to your circumstances and needs. We will show you where you stand and how you can get there faster.

Swiss Climate offers support in the following areas to help you achieve a net-zero goal:

Net Zero Check: Identifying gaps in achieving net-zero (how far is it to net-zero?)

Climate Strategy/Concept/Mission Statement: Development of a climate strategy, policy, or mission statement to achieve net zero, or adaptation and alignment of existing energy and climate policies, mission statements, and strategies to the net zero goal.

Climate Goal:
Definition of a climate target based on different approaches and calculation of a reduction path to achieve the defined climate target

Greenhouse Gas Balances: Balancing the greenhouse gas emissions of the administration or the municipal or cantonal area (territory), also possible for individual sectors (buildings, transport, industry, etc.)

Monitoring of measures: development of measures, specification of fields of action and measures, prioritization of measures, review of target status, monitoring of implementation

Climate protection projects: Developing a strategy for dealing with unavoidable residual emissions (carbon offsets/CO2 certificates, sink projects) and developing your own climate protection project

Different degrees and forms of participation according to your needs

Develop an internal and external communication strategy

For Energy Cities: Coordination of climate change mitigation, adaptation and other areas of action with existing energy city management

Your benefits

  • Proactively shape current and future climate and energy policies based on the latest science
  • Contribute to the achievement of national energy and climate goals and
    the Paris Climate Agreement, ensuring consistency with higher-level
  • Acting as a role model for your population, your neighboring municipalities and your canton or neighboring cantons
  • Understand your options and take a holistic approach
  • Implement targeted measures based on cost, effectiveness and impact
  • Avoid costly rescue operations in the future through early action and efficient use of superordinate funds
  • Transfer know-how and benefit from Swiss Climate's many years of experience in advising and supporting the federal administration and numerous municipalities and cities on their way to Net Zero.

Your contact partner

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Thomas Lanz Senior Consultant +41 31 343 03 57 E-Mail LinkedIn